
Hello, I am Merve Dağlı. Driven by my own needs, we opened our first store in Istanbul in 2013. We create products so that women can express themselves in every way and every size. Therefore, on this journey we started with the belief that "happiness has no size," our main goal is to convey that women are elegant in every size. As the Merve Dağlı brand, we prepare collections that fearlessly step outside the idealized norms.
Every product you pick up and look at, perhaps later toss aside, or wear only on a special occasion and never look at again, has a big story and the hard work of many people behind it. From the very moment an idea is born to the printing of the label, we think and work together at every stage. That's why I can see the fingerprint of every employee in each piece. Witnessing all these stages of creation, discovering our production potential, and touching each other's lives with the people our brand employs renews our excitement with every collection.
By producing above quality standards with a wide range of products and maintaining a customer satisfaction-focused approach, we add value to our brand. Always aiming for perfection, Merve Dağlı has become a recognized name in the fashion industry since its inception. One of the brand's primary goals is to introduce the world to its quality and timeless designs, constantly aiming to excite and inspire its customers.

With my love

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